The impact of the walls of Avila is that now it has become a world heritage, and it became a tourist spot. The walls are now a part of local Avila life and the most important ones include the following; Theatre on the walls; The Ronda De Las Leyendas; The Mediaeval Days; and Poetry on the Allure.
The impact of the wall of Avila to Human Relationships is that the wall of Avila now has activities that are held because of it or around it. Because of that it improves human relationships. And it also negated problems within Avila and the surrounding cities of Avila. Because of the wall no invaders ever dared to get access of Avila. And because of that their surrounding cities are now in peace. If there was no wall then maybe their human relationships now wouldn't be as good as it is.
The relevance of the wall of Avila to the line "Good fences make great neighbors" is that the meaning of the line is that good neighbors respect one another's property. And by putting fences none of your neighbors nor you could infiltrate another's property. Just like the wall of Avila. It was built to keep off unwanted guests. Or it was a form of a defensive mechanism. To guard it from people and from outbreaks of the plague. It perfectly connects to the line. For without the wall of Avila. There would be nothing that would protect them from harm and their precious territory.
It's relevance to the poem "Mending Wall" is that. They built and repaired the wall of Avila just for them to protect themselves from invaders. And because of that wall, no conflicts were to happen and did happen. Just like in the poem it shows that having a good wall creates long lasting relationship. Just like now. The wall of Avila still stands to this day.and there have been no fights since then. That proves that mending walls really does avoid conflicts and it also helps people respect their neighbors property and vice versa. That is how the poem "Mending Wall" relate to the walls of Avila.