Wednesday 4 November 2020

Relax African Music | Jabali Spirit: Stress out! Enjoy the spirit of the African Music

Music is an art that express feelings that could feel of its emotions. It is a powerful way to express our feelings to all. It maybe feel relaxed for those listeners, maybe the listeners could feel anger, could be sad or happy. Because music could be talk about sadness, joy, unbelievable joy, to be relaxed, revolutionary, and so on. Music is everywhere in the world, we Filipinos have our music and thus the foreign countries has too which have a different languages. Example of a foreign music is African Music which I will blog hehe.

African Music is very spiritually that turns out to relaxed and enjoy the music even you're stress at work and that you can feel so bad that you can't focus on something and so on. African music talks about to educate their young, cure sick, lighten the load of hard work, provide entertainment, protest against the ruler, mark occasions(birth, marriage, puberty, and death), to communicate important sentiments and messages, and lastly to offer something to their gods.

This Relax African Music | Jabali Spirit that I've found out on Youtube is an example of African Music. This 6 hours of beautiful African music makes you feel relaxed because of it's music piece of every African singers. Just like the first song of the 6 hours of beautiful African music, Makambo by Feoffrey Oryema. When I listened the music it's like it makes me out of the house and going somewhere that I can feel relaxed so long. His voice are damn cool with the music that makes feel relaxed and enjoyed it. It is very cool. Then some of the music also are really cool and feel relaxed of it. 

Some of the music talks about like their home, their tradition and their history. I'm not sure about it because some of it doesn't have a translation and what was the music all about. But some comments of some music  explains about it and also they comment below that those music are make them relaxed and brig back memories. Well I also feel relaxed about all the music.

This African music Relax African Music | Jabali Spirit is showing one of the purpose of the African Music which to lighten the load of hard work in short to relax a minute or could be hour because of their music. In which we should have this thing "relax" for us to feel comfortable and time to care about ourselves. Enjoy and relax with this music everyone! Have a time for yourself.

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